Players Series is an emerging tournament brand dedicated to delivering high-quality events that adhere to international standards, with buy-ins specifically tailored to the Asian market. To learn more about PS’s mission and offerings, explore their Brand Overview via the following link:
A pivotal spectacle within Player Series Taipei is the PS Main Event, at a buy-in of TWD 16,500 (~USD 520) and boasting a guaranteed prize pool of TWD 15,000,000 (~USD 470,000). Additionally, we invite you to participate in the PS High Roller and PS Super High Roller, with accessible buy-ins of TWD 33,000 (~USD 1,045) and TWD 50,000 (~USD 1,585), respectively. These events are designed to make top-tier tournament poker more inclusive, allowing everyone to experience exceptional tournament structures.
Players Series 是一項新興的錦標賽品牌,致力於舉辦符合國際標準的高品質賽事,特別針對亞洲市場設計買入金額。欲深入了解Players Series的使命與提供的賽事,請參閱以下鏈結之品牌概覽:
2024 年Players Series台北站的核心賽事為PS主賽事,買入金為新台幣 16,500 元(約合美元 520 元),保證獎池為新台幣 1,500 萬元(約合美元 47 萬元)。此外,我們誠邀您參與PS高額賽與超級高額賽,其買入金分別為新台幣 33,000 元(約合美元 1,045 元)與新台幣 50,000 元(約合美元 1,585 元)。這些賽事旨在使頂級撲克錦標賽更加普及,讓每個人都能體驗到卓越的錦標賽結構。